الخميس، 12 سبتمبر 2013

Important medical information

1 Did you know :
That a mixture of lemon juice and cloves of garlic and ginger and one teaspoon of pure olive oil is an excellent mixture to clean the liver, where taken this cup of the mixture on an empty stomach one hour before breakfast .. And advisable to use this process once every six months ..

2 Did you know :
The strawberry good for the heart , for it is one of the best antioxidants, rich in dietary fiber soluble, and these fibers are working to reduce the rate of cholesterol in the blood, increasing the efficiency of blood circulation ..
3 Did you know :
That excess salt = Osteoporosis:
All thought that eating too much salt is abusive to blood pressure , but salt is not the cause of hypertension , but in 30 per cent of people infected with the disease. However, the salt damage happen to us in our bones, when the body gets rid of excess salt , throwing him Fasi calcium to the bone. Precipitate eating too much salt in to get osteoporosis . So we palace our consumption of salt to 2400 milligrams per day , noting that in one piece of American cheese 300 milligrams of salt , and two pieces of white bread 269 milligrams of salt and half a cup of canned tomato sauce 740 milligrams ..
4 Did you know :
That fiber intake of between 25 to 35 grams a day reduces the risk of cancer, heart disease , obesity , diabetes , diarrhea ..

5 Did you know :
That fish oil pills can be useful in getting rid of the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis , which include a lot of pain , fatigue and stiff joints in the morning as well as swelling . Rheumatoid arthritis affects people at different ages, and even children , who are diagnosed with this disease by a special analysis of blood. It has been found that these pills contain anti-inflammatory substances with getting rid of the inflammation can get rid of the pain associated with arthritis .
6 Did you know :
The carrot and one medium - sized contain four times the human daily need of vitamin - a. There are other foods contain a large amount of this vitamin , such as pumpkin and yam ( a type of sweet potato in part ) and yellow watermelon , spinach and cabbage ..

7 Did you know :
That half a dish of sweet red pepper contains more than twice the recommended daily dose of vitamin c . The following foods rich in this vitamin ( orange , guava , cauliflower and green peas ) ..
8 Did you know :
That half of Kilwa grams of fish - halibut has a gay man 's need of vitamin D daily , followed by herring ..
9 Did you know :
The one dish of cooked dry beans , extends the rights to 90 % of the daily human need of folate material , followed by soybeans cooked ..

10 Did you know :
Three of molluscs Batlemus marine steam cooked extend full human daily need of iron not convey any other food, with the knowledge that there are many foods contain good amounts of iron , but do not compete Batlemus in the abundance of iron ..

11 Did you know :
The herbal tea is an effective way to get rid of obesity .. But the only effective way to get rid of obesity is the practice of sports and the quality of care and the amount of food that we eat every day .

12 Did you know :
That garlic and onions cure and effective for many diseases , as they Ihtoya compounds (sulfur ) , these compounds work to keep the risk of blood clots , as it reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood , especially type harmful type of LDL, it also works to reduce the risk of cancer .

13 Did you know :
That that eating 2 bananas to five bananas a day is a risk of high blood pressure, can reduce high blood pressure to normal within one week only and without the use of drugs decreases the pressure , as the banana has a high concentration of potassium and low in sodium , a kind found in table salt , it is worth mentioning that the food containing the element potassium helps to get rid of sodium substance that helps high blood pressure.

14 Did you know :
It can now diagnose diseases through the iris of the eye , which is called the knowledge and through iris IRIDOLOGY the processor can diagnose many genetic diseases and infections that affect the body. Where they show a small spot or mark on the iris of which the doctor knows where and the type of disease , science means the diagnosis of disease and not treated .
15 Did you know :
That the high nutritional benefits enjoyed by thermos make it similar to other types of grain Kalahmass or beans. This type of grain contains a huge amount of protein up to 30 % by weight. Thermos also rich in fiber which play a major role in Mquaona constipation during the induction of the intestine , in addition to other amounts of minerals. The bitterness that mar the thermos and taste that can be removed when boiling thermos well and soaked for a few days , an effective medication to get rid of intestinal worms , especially if eaten with honey thermos . And were old Atahnoh and add minutes to wheat flour. In addition to its beautiful fragrance granulocytes , which calls for use as the basis for many of the perfume , the rose oil the benefits multiple Jeeh , especially for women ..

16 Did you know :
Ondlt research that peppermint oil helps to get rid of intestinal disorders , due to its effectiveness as an antidote to cramps and spasms , and is working to relax the muscles of the stomach and intestines, and also works as an anti bacterial ..
17 Did you know :
That a handful of almonds weighs about 25 grams and up the number of almond kernels to about 25 tablets provide to humans about 12% of the proteins necessary for their health every day , and about 35% of vitamin E, and 25 grams of calcium. And almonds are also rich in dietary fiber , iron, zinc and copper , all of which are necessary for a proper diet and healthy.

Did you know 18
That the tea contains a substance ( flavonoids ) a substance proven to fight cancers of the lung , colon and digestive tract and breast.
19 Did you know :
That people who drink Cuba or more of tea a day less likely to have heart attacks than others .
20 Did you know :
That tea is a rich source of magnesium (which helps in strengthening the muscles ) , as well as potassium, which helps in reducing blood pressure , and zinc is useful in the treatment of acne.
21 Did you know :
That drinking four or five cups of tea a day can reduce the risk of heart attack by up to 69 percent .
22 Did you know :
That the source of tea Article ( Filoroed ) and drink two cups and a half cups of tea a day adds the amount of 1.3 mg from Filoroed to diet and it helps prevent tooth decay .
23 Did you know :
If you read this information you have become the most valuable information about the benefits of nutrients .

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