السبت، 14 سبتمبر 2013

Android tested on Nokia phones LUMIA before acquired by Microsoft

Pointed to a new report issued by the New York Times that the company Nokia has been working on the development of a series of phones-based On Lumia, running Android  Google, according to sources familiar with the matter, the Android system was running on Nokia smart phones within the company well.

Sources say that all these tests and trials had been conducted prior to the discussions that led to the purchase of Microsoft section offe Nokia phones, which means that these experiments have taken place between 2012 and early 2013.

It is said that while Microsoft knew this project; confirmed by the company to the Times, the wearer is not part of the company's discussions with Nokia before the acquisition. This means that if Microsoft acquires Nokia had started the last building devices running Android, which will negatively impact heavily on the operating system Microsoft Windows Phone, the fact that dominant Nokia smart devices operate this system.

It is noteworthy that President CEO of Nokia Corporation confirmed earlier this year that the rumors that revolve around the determination of the company launch phone running Android is true, and said that it is still too early for that, and added that Nokia is committed with Microsoft, but everything is possible with time.

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